
East Side Storytellin’ 37: When The Southern Foodie and music beyond Banshee made for an unforgettable, beautiful Tuesday evening

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 36 previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’re all here, right here smack dab on your laptop or mobile electronic device (welcome to the future, eh?) to provide you with some very inspirational moments of clarity in […]


BOOK ME! continues to grow by the day

Last week, we had a very BIG day at East Side Story that I already told you about HERE.  I dared to even call it a HUGE day at East Side Story.  Well, the very next day after I posted about the BIG HUGE day, I had yet another BIG BIG day happen at the […]


BOOK ME! begins

This just in … Last week, we had a very BIG day at East Side Story.  I would even dare to call it a HUGE day at East Side Story.  Why was it a BIG HUGE day at East Side Story you ask?  Well, I’m glad you asked because I shall now tell. A young […]


The most WONDERful time of THIS YEAR!

In a year that has presented itself to myself and many close friends like a roller coaster with more highest ups, lowest downs, and the most unforeseeable, unbelievably crazy loop-D-loops than one could only imagine possible in several lifetimes, this past weekend was truly one for the ages and highest highs for all involved.  I […]