
East Side Storytellin’: the 2nd annual Cheekwood in Bloom edition

Whether this is your first visit to our website or you are familiar with everything that East Side Story, Nashville’s only all-local bookstore, has to offer, we want to take a second to welcome you to East Side Storytellin’ for a very special occasion. We were beyond honored and thrilled to be asked by the […]


BOOK ME! begins

This just in … Last week, we had a very BIG day at East Side Story.  I would even dare to call it a HUGE day at East Side Story.  Why was it a BIG HUGE day at East Side Story you ask?  Well, I’m glad you asked because I shall now tell. A young […]


Home away from home-school

On Friday, December 7th, at 1:30pm, it all went down at East Side Story.  What was it?  Well, it could be a lot of things but to me it was pure happiness.  To preface, I had emailed a ton of local school principals and librarians about a month ago asking any and everyone to let […]