
East Side Storytellin’ 42: Where the River life ran through all of us

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 41 previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’ve come together here to get you cultured up just right in the form of a local Nashville writer reading from original prose, followed by an amazing local musician performing […]


East Side Storytellin’ 41: The night Sara Marie Thompson and Amy Wright had outdoor church on Tuesday

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 40, yes 40, previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’ve come together here to get you cultured up just right in the form of a local Nashville writer reading from original prose, followed by an amazing local […]


East Side Storytellin’ 40:  Where the teachers taught us how to read, write, and sing real good

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Wait, before I get started here, recognize and reflect that we have done 40 (I repeat, FORTY) East Side Storytellin’ shows NOW!  Crazy stuff, and it keeps on getting better and better for everyone involved. I mean … 40 shows, y’all!!!!!!! Similar to […]


East Side Storytellin’ 39: When Megan Duke and Lauren Lyle kept it real on the East Side

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 38 previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’ve come together here to get you cultured up just right in the form of a local Nashville writer reading from original prose, followed by an amazing local musician performing […]


East Side Storytellin’ 38:  When Jenny Hickman met Grant Terry and all his harmonic friends

Hello, AGAIN, everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 37 previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’ve come together here to get you cultured up just right in the form of a local Nashville writer reading from original prose, followed by an amazing local musician […]


East Side Storytellin’ 37: When The Southern Foodie and music beyond Banshee made for an unforgettable, beautiful Tuesday evening

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Similar to the 36 previous shows we’ve put together from East Side Story, we’re all here, right here smack dab on your laptop or mobile electronic device (welcome to the future, eh?) to provide you with some very inspirational moments of clarity in […]


East Side Storytellin’ 36: When Chet the Cheetah and Heath Haynes and Caitlin Rose joined amazing songs with poetry that didn’t suck!

Hello everyone, and welcome to another great round of East Side Storytellin’.  Much like the 35 previous stellar shows, we’re all here, right HERE at the computer again, to provide you with ample amounts of awesomeness in the form of a local Nashville writer reading from original prose, followed by amazing local musicians performing and […]


East Side Storytellin’ 35: Where Skip Nipper and the Family Frazier enjoyed Baseball and Bluegrass in April

  Hello, good evening, and welcome to another edition of East Side Storytellin’.  Right now, like 34 shows before, we will highlight some of the best local authors and musicians around town.  First, you will hear from a local author that will share his words, history, and passion for Baseball, America’s pastime.  Then, you will […]


East Side Storytellin’ 34: Where Charlie Whitten and Sam Davidson made the perfect Nashville Batch and inspiration over easy

  Hello and welcome to the 34th edition of East Side Storytellin’!   I am over the moon excited to share with you the East Side Storytellin’ experience I had on April 1st, 2014!  Whether it’s your first show or the 34th, like this guy here, I’m so happy to have you here to celebrate another […]


East Side Storytellin’ 33: Where Honest Lewis and Adam Hill turned the red lights green and took us places

Hello, and good day to YOU! WELCOME to another superb round of Nashville culture, stories, and East Side Storytellin’.  Much like the 32 shows we’ve done before this one, we promise to give you the chance to appreciate an intriguing local author reading from their original prose, a talented local musician talking about and performing […]