Once again, our no rain dance prayers were answered. Looking back, it was the calm before the flood of ’13. Looking ahead before the evening of August 6th, 2013, I was doing more than one little no rain jig in the bookstore, hoping that the scattered showers by morning and afternoon would get rid of the showers and just scatter to the North as usual. As usual, the clouds opened up and cleared a beautiful setting for another round of East Side Storytellin’ at Fat Bottom Brewing Co.
This marked a special occasion of a few sorts, some that I will get to and others I may leave out. This was going to be the first show we’ve done without WAMB Radio to promote or replay another day afterwards. It was a touch decision to cut the line with them for now, but it was necessary. Even without the original radio support, the show must go on! We do what we can and make sure that original, innovative ideas and events keep on inspiring us.
And speaking of innovative ideas and events, East Side Storytellin’ 19 on August, 6th, fit the bill like a glove. Both the author the musician spoke to one another with their own forms of art and actual words in the end. It was something special to me and everyone present.
The featured author for the show moved to the greater Nashville area from the North. Born and raised in a New York state of mind, she carried around and brought stories she had crafted and saved in her head for over 60 years with her to Nashville. A graduate of Syracuse University and Lipscomb University, she is a retired non-profit executive, educator, award-winning journalist, and chef. She plays the piano, harp, and the flute (although she didn’t on this night or altogether at the same time). And she brought a few friends and a copy of her first novel, Black Chokeberry, to read from for the show. The author was Martha Nelson.

Although you can’t see her face in the picture I took from beside her, you can tell instantly from the recording that she knows exactly what she is doing when it comes to writing fiction and reading it to others. It was such an honor and pleasure to take in her story up close and see how she worked the crowd and her words to perfection. She used several accents, tempos, and repetitions to highlight every syllable and emotion she wrote about. I really wished that I had a copy of her reading the entire book the way she did for me and others later to enjoy the story the way she sees it. That said, everyone was happy to have her read a superb chapter out loud for the time we had to feature her work on the radio. Also said, there are plenty of copies at the East Side Story bookstore (1108 Woodland Street, Unit B – www.eastsidestorytn.com) for you to purchase this next month and be a part of the monthly book club. Martha Nelson’s Black Chokeberry will be the featured book for the month of September, and she will be at the meeting at the end of the month at the bookstore to discuss the book and writing process with the lucky 20 first people who come in, buy the book from the store, and sign up! Talk about a treat not to be missed!
And to think that this show had another spectacular musical talent and extraordinary person to be featured as the musical guest. The featured musician of this particular show is about as Nashville and East Nashville as you can be. He moved in and settled in 5 Points before there was even 2 valid points to move to the area. Basically, this guy moved to East Nashville before it was cool and then the area started to be cool … true story and fact. He is an accomplished visual artist, designer of everything from exquisite houses to burlesque costumes, and has spent the majority of the last decade bringing his distinctive style and warm personality to local song writing and performing. He’s a sough after side-man, lending vocals, sax, and percussion to a wide variety of rock and pop acts (including David Mead, Bobby Bare Jr., Sara Beck – who was in the crowd at this show – , and the hands down single greatest 80’s cover band of all time in that of “Guilty Pleasures.” This evening he took the lead, accompanied by two very established and multi-talented musicians in that of James Haggerty (“Hags“) and Park Chisolm. The featured musician was none other than Tommy Keenum, and he lit up the stage and crowd on the spot.

With a voice as sultry as Sinatra and words as honest as Abe Lincoln, Tommy stepped up to the microphone with new material that had never seen the public light of day. With his friends and confidence in tow, wouldn’t you know that Tommy rocked the night away. Each song told a story beyond the music, and Tommy actually told the story behind every song he sung. The only thing brighter than the ambiance was the coolness of Park’s yellow shoes (see below). And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than the new songs and talent behind the musical accompaniment, Tommy pulled out his recorder and played one final original family lullaby that closed the set perfectly. Yes, it was quite a treat.

Before we took off and I got to show everyone the beautiful artwork that my good friend Alex Smith made for just the occasion, I was able to ask a few questions to all of the featured guests of the evening. Usually writing and singing and performing, they all took the questions in stride and answered from the heart with complete & candid honesty. Overall, I can’t write or say anything more about this particular show besides the fact that it was such a pleasure all around. We had everything from good people, to dogs and babies in the crowd. There was no rain, and we didn’t have to make any edits for curse words (not that I don’t use cuss words, but it helps for airwaves purposes not to sling them around). Yes sir (or ma’am, depending on who is reading this now, excuse my manners), it was a night like no other.

Here is the picture that prompted the creativity before the show even got started … and captured its essence too.

And here is the recording of the show that was edited down to a hour format for you to listen to, enjoy over and over, and share with everyone you know. Please share with everyone if you LIKE it. I know I LOVE it! Thanks for listening and giving up some of your busy schedule to take this whole thing in. We are making a positive impact and difference in the world. We hope you are too.
And speaking of THANKS … here are specific set of THANK YOU shout outs to the wonderful and loving and tremendously talented folks that helped put this show, East Side Storytellin’ 19, together:
-My wife, Emily Frances Harper Beard (www.efharper.com), I truly can’t say in words how I feel about you. You are the best thing in my life and I am a better version of who I’m supposed to be just by being around you. So thanks for letting me be around you so much! I loves YOU!
–Tom Eizonas, you do everything on the fly to make this guy sound as professional as the guests. Without your help, nobody would listen to the show after the event. THANK YOU!
–Alex Smith, your art impresses everyone that sees it. You are a creative force like few out there anywhere right now. I’m honored to call you friend. You are amazing.
–Fat Bottom Brewing Co., you provide such a pleasant home for heartwarming performances to happen in your backyard. I am very grateful we have crossed paths and look forward to the shows to come.
–James Haggerty (http://fandalism.com/flatwounds) & Park Chisolm (https://myspace.com/parkchisolm) – You two are so talented. Hags, every time my wife and I see you perform at wherever you are playing on every night of the week, you make every performance and evening better than the one before. Park, it was a pleasure to finally meet you in person and fully appreciate your musicianship. Both of you guys are not only solid, great musicians, but you also inspire others without even knowing it by just being your cool selves. Thanks.
–Martha Nelson (http://www.blackchokeberrythebook.com/) – The way that you write is heartfelt, and the way that you read your work is equally felt in the heart and soul. You have quite a way of introducing and communicating characters, stories, and lines that truly make a difference to anyone taking the time to hear them for what they are worth. I’m so glad that it worked out to have you be a part of the show AND to be a featured author in the month of September for East Side Story. You from New York, that is true, but you are the best of what Southern Hospitality and personality brings to the table as well. Thanks for sharing your time, your stories, and being a part of this East Side Storytellin’ journey.
–Tommy Keenum (http://tommykeenum.com/) –I’ve already said plenty about you above, but you are such an inspiration to the community and all of the people that you call friends. Your voice is great, but you are an even better person (and that says a lot if not everything). I am not alone in saying everything good about you above and beyond, but I can at the very least say THANK YOU one more time for all that you do. Keep doing it all. Thank YOU!
But we aren’t finished quite yet! We’re just getting started.
The NEXT East Side Storytellin’ event will be …
Date- Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
Time- 7 pm sharp (Central)
Location- Fat Bottom Brewing Co. (900 Main Street)- www.fatbottombrewing.com
Need information or details about Fat Bottom Brewing Co., call 615-678-5895. Otherwise it is first come, first available seats.
Who will be featured- Mike Pentecost (author of Bus People – http://mikepentecost.blogspot.com/) and music by Dave Coleman and Dave Ray from their band The Coal Men (http://thecoalmen.com/).
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