Yeah, I said it. East Side Storytellin’ 6, aka the night of January 22, 2013 where Barbara Nowak and Julie Lee first met, was just that … where fine wine and amazing women met. I knew from the first reply from Julie about a month and a half before the night happened when she excitedly agreed to performing at the show because of the author being one of The Saucy Sisters that this going to be a fun night. With two great women being the featured guests on the show, plus throw in the mix a roomful of wine lovers and music enthusiasts, it was the perfect blend of elements to make any ordinary evening into an extraordinary one.

The night again kicked off pre-show with me helping to set things up with Tom and the gang. Meeting up with Julie and showing her the wonderful original prints that my friend Alex Smith made yet again for the show was a treat to behold. The first treat of the evening came when she introduced me to her friend who planned on playing several instruments with her throughout the show by the name of Jason Goforth. It hit us both after about 2 seconds that we had met before at a mutual friend’s wedding over a year ago. Nashville truly is a small city between circles of good people. I love this town. Anyways, the second treat of the evening happened as I helped the featured author, Barbara Nowak, get everything out of her car. She needed the help because she not only had a box of books to bring into the establishment, she also had a larger than life-sized cardboard cutout of her sister Beverly and the other half of The Saucy Sisters. She didn’t want to not fulfill her part of the agreement and going the extra lengths of getting her sister to town for the event was not lost on my smile.
With the cardboard sister on display in the corner, and the crowd ready to begin, I introduced the show as the first evening so far where the featured author was truly in her element like none other before or possibly to come. You see, in case you know nothing about Barbara Nowak and her sister Beverly as The Saucy Sisters (www.SaucySisters.com), Barbara’s specialty is fine wine and dining. The featured book of the evening that she was read from is titled “The Saucy Sisters Guide To Wine: What every girl should know before she UNSCREWS!” Need I say more? I shall. Barbara took the stage and made it completely own. She fought through dim lighting and small print to share a good portion of the story behind the journey from beginning to now of The Saucy Sisters and then dove head and heart first into a section of the book that turned me 50 shades of red. You can listen to the link below and laugh for yourself; I don’t want to spoil all the fun. But in all seriousness, Barbara’s talks, reading, and laughter, truly lit up the room and made everyone in the building feel better while enjoying and appreciating the art of good wine, good times, and good company.
Then, just when my blush began to fade, I had the honor of introducing Julie Lee and someone that was not a baby daddy in Jason Goforth (pun intended with listening more to her section of the show or checking out her website- www.julielee.org). Julie’s songwriting and voice, like her visual artwork that she is very talented in as well, continues to amaze you with every word and note she reveals. Every story and every song Julie sang and sings cuts past all of life’s dressings and hits you right to the core in the best of ways. It is sweet, striking, deep, smooth, fast and slow, and everything in between. Julie Lee might not be on any billboards or award shows at the moment, but like fine wine … give her time and she will be there sooner than later. I must say, on the side of Julie’s songs, I was also equally blown away by the unique instrumentals and sounds that Jason created in the corner. I say created instead of played because it felt like he was making sounds and elements of music that many in the room had never heard or seen before. I believe on more than one occasion he played through some sort of antique telephone thing-a-ma-bob. I think I’ll defer trying to explain through words here and to again pointing you towards the source’s website- www.jasongoforthmusic.com/about.
After the last note was played, I had Barbara visit the stage again and share it with Julie. The two new friends (dare I say besties) were nothing but smiles while I asked them questions about their creative journeys and ties with the Nashville area per usual. Both shared many experiences along their way with a lot of interesting, special people throughout an extensive path of traveling around the country and the world to find inspiration and their way eventually to Nashville. I think I’ll just let you listen to the link below for yourself to enjoy the conversation and how it all went down.
Before I reveal the show’s link, I’d like to thank the following for helping make this show a reality for that specific evening:
1- My amazing wife … I can’t say thank you enough, but I’ll say thank you until you say shut up (then I might say it again). Thank YOU! LOVE YOU!!
2- Tom Eizonas and the WAMB family … without you guys, the only people to hear this wonderful experience would be the people who pack the shows the night of the recording. You all are amazing people and do great things. I’m so happy to know you and honored to work with you. We are just getting started!
3. Alex Smith … you never cease to amaze thee. Your artwork is unique and your fearlessness to grow as an artist is inspiring to everyone you know and everyone who experiences your creativity.
4. Ali Foley and Rumours East … THANK YOU for opening your doors to us and our idea so that we can open doors for other talented people in our city that will sooner than later be knocking them down everywhere.
5. Barbara Nowak … without you agreeing to come through on your original commitment to our show, it would have just been me reading excerpts from your book with two cardboard cutouts of both of The Saucy Sisters. It would not have been half as entertaining or as fun. You are such a blessing for all you meet. Your passion for good food, wine, times, and friends is contagious. I see many more good times and talks in the future. Thanks for being a part of our adventure.
6. Julie Lee and Jason Goforth … you both have extraordinary gifts with music. The originality and creativity in both your music and the people you are do not go unnoticed by all of your friends, on and off Facebook. You are surrounded by so many brilliantly talented, good-hearted people and I haven’t met one yet who says a bad thing about you or your music (not that I’m asking or looking for a bad note though as I’m sure you are laughing now reading this). In fact, everything that is said is GREAT! Thank you for taking time out of your winter schedules and making the effort to totally rock us. We are all better for it and for knowing each of you. Great things are soon to come your way (the fortune cookie told me so).
Without further ado, here is the soundcloud link for the show to enjoy:
THANK YOU for reading the above and below and for helping make this idea a reality. If you haven’t been to a show, come to the next one!
much love,
The NEXT East Side Storytellin’ event will be …
Date- Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
Time- 7 pm sharp (Central)
Location- Rumours East (1112 Woodland Street)
Get your RSVP on- call 615-262-5346 and tell them how many friends are coming with you.
Who will be featured- New York Times Bestselling author Alice Randall (www.alicerandall.com) and the musical stylings of Jonathan Sexton (www.jsblc.com).