
East Side Storytellin’ 100: When John J. Thompson & Phil Madeira made Jesus, Bread, Chocolate, and God on the Rocks make sense when we needed it most

Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. And thanks to Dave Eastman for saying such nice things about the show, about me, and about several insightful meanings behind the significance of the number 100. We were sorry to miss you at this show, Dave, but we wish nothing but the best for health and happiness in […]


East Side Storytellin’ 74: The night Rashad Rayford and Eric Dozier ushered in a new year with new life and big love

If East Side Storytellin’ 74 is ANY indication of the kind of year that 2016 will bring us all then we need to just give thanks to the cosmos and get ready for one of the best years anyone has ever experienced. Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. Hello Again! Welcome to another wonderful collaboration […]